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Showing posts from 2011

Low Manipulation, Give your hair some rest

Low manipulation hair styles, are hair styles that gives your hair a chance to rest. This resting period involves not combing, pulling, brushing, or messing with your hair in anyway. Low manipulation hair styles are: twist outs, box braids, two-strand twist, rod sets, bantu knots, etc. Also, having your hair in a low manipulation hair styles means that you are not applying heat to your hair. Again, this is like a resting period, where you just style it and leave it. Bantu Knots Low manipulation hair styles are the best, especially if you’re transitioning. Since there are two different textures that you are trying to work having a style that blends your straight ends with your natural hair, without heat, is the best solution. Also working with braids and twist out give you (if your transitioning) a chance to work with the styles that you will most likely be doing when your natural. curlying the ends with straws straw results However, when you are natural these sty

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple cider vinegar rinse is good for cleansing your scalp from every day product build up. However, it smells really bad and when using this as a rinse it is best not to get it into your eyes because it will BURN! By the way it doesn't taste that good either lol Apple cider vinegar is on the low side of pH scale being only 2.9. What you want to do and need to know: You want to dilute the apple cider vinegar a lot !  About half a teaspoon of vinegar to two cups of water. Bring out your AUBURN tones!   The more vinegar you use the lighter your hair will become naturally. This vinegar will accent the highlights that are already in your hair making the brown lighter in some areas. Add essential oils (if you want) Essential oils will change the sent of your vinegar as well as add extra color agents to your hair depending on what herb you do use. For example: rosemary and parsley is good for dark hair, to get rid of gray hairs you may want to use sage, lavender will add that

Eco Styling Gel with olive oil

  Eco styling gel is a gel. It’s a gel with a hold of 10 (which is the max). This gel is alcohol free which means it is not supposed to dry out your hair. However, when using this product I recommend that you apply some type of oil underneath or your conditioner. That way your hair is protected from the gel and its being moisturized as your hair becomes harden. The suggested use for this gel for a wash-n-go is to wash your hair and apply this product on your hair while it is wet. However, my experience with this product left my hair feeling and looking like a jerry curl…you know the jerry curls from back in the day. What worked for me was using the gel half way. For example, pulling my hair back with a band and then applying the gel to the back of my hair. It gave my hair a more polished and nice look. Eco styling gel is good for slicking back those stubborn edges and it holds it down. To slick back your hair with this product I suggest using an old (or new) toothbrush or you can

My BIG CHOP experiences

Doing that BC or "big chop" can be life changing for some. It's embracing a part of you that has been neglected, mistreated, and forgotten. Perms (aka straighter), wigs, braids, and CHEMICALS, have been covering up what you have been born with (however, wigs and braids are not terrible but worn for a long period of time and too tight can cause damage). Doing the “big chop” is like getting to know your hair and yourself all over again. You have to re-learn how to style and maintain a new texture. It will not be easy at first but with practice and time it will only get better. It is time for African Americans to embrace their true essences and rock that fro. We don’t have to assimilate so much that it causes us damage. Perms breaks off your hair, it’s a chemical. In the long run it does more damage than good. It makes your hair weak and at some point your hair will stop growing really long. This is me speaking from YEARS of experience. Don’t get me wrong your hair is sti

Deep Conditioning on a BUDGET!

Deep conditioning is very important. It allows your hair to get moisture as well as be really soft and eventually (if not right away) your curls will become more enhanced because they are now moisturized. Using a deep conditioner actually strengths your hair and makes it easier to detangle. Deep conditioning your hair allows it to repair itself from any kind of damage. You would want to deep condition more often if your hair is really damage to try and replenish it. Now you don't need to go out and buy expensive products for the process. You could use products from your household such as eggs, mayonnaise, honey, coconut oil, amongst other things. Also, you could even visit your local dollar tree or dollar general and gets some products from there. What I did for my deep conditioner was mixed all my products (hair mayonnaise from dollar tree, my oils, conditioner, and coconut oil) into a bowl and applied it to my hair. However, you may want to work on freshly washed hair that

First Steps: Going Natural

The first thing you want to do before going natural is: 1) Thinking about why your going natural The reason could be anything but you have to know why you're doing it. If your going natural just because someone else is doing it, it may not be enough motivation to help you though the journey. (here's a video on why I went natural): 2) Find products that work best for your relaxed ends as well as your natural hair. This may be a difficult task because there are products that work best for your relaxed ends but not your natural hair. What I used was oils. You don't have to buy expensive oils, you can use your household products like your olive oil or coconut oil. 3) Stay away from heat! The last thing you want to do is constantly be straightening your hair especially with heat. The part where your natural hair meets your relaxed hair is really fragile so you want to be careful when maintaining your hair. Heat can cause breakage, especially to that area. 4) Apply Mo